BioSample 2.0 card: Advancements in RNA preservation and HIV drug resistance genotyping

On demand from 19 Mar, 2025
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About the webinar

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) remains a significant global public health challenge, and RNA preservation is crucial for the success of HIV drug resistance genotyping. Proper sample collection, stabilization, storage, and handling are essential to maintaining RNA integrity and ensuring accurate resistance profiling. Implementing best practices in RNA preservation enhances the reliability of genotypic resistance testing, ultimately improving patient care.

Dried Blood Spot (DBS) technology is increasingly used for HIV-1 drug resistance genotyping and viral load monitoring, particularly in resource-limited settings. However, a key challenge is ensuring the stability of viral RNA in DBS samples during collection, transportation, and storage.

This webinar examines the impact of whole blood sample storage on Ahlstrom BioSample 2.0 specimen collection cards at room temperature, focusing on the duration and its effect on HIV-1 RNA integrity.

Meet the speakers

Marie-Laure Boen, PD&TCS Engineer, Ahlstrom

Marie-Laure Boen holds a Master’s Degree in Health Biology and Microbiology from Paris-Sud University. She joined Ahlstrom in 2002. As Product Development and TCS Engineer for the Lab & Life Science business, she is now in charge of developing innovative products in the field of Life Sciences and Diagnostics.

Jean-Charles Bres, PhD, R&D Team Leader, EFS Occitanie

Jean-Charles Brès holds a PhD in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Montpellier. After completing two post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Colorado (USA) and École Centrale de Lyon (France), he joined the Etablissement français du sang (EFS) in 2005. Currently, as R&D Team Leader at the EFS Occitanie, he leads research in transfusion safety and diagnostic innovation.

BioSample 2.0 card: Advancements in RNA preservation and HIV drug resistance genotyping

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